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Interviews with Strangers: Rip van Dinkle, Participant in the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn Pageant

The average penis is 3.5 inches flaccid and 5.6 inches erect (that's 8.89 and 14.2 centimeters, respectively, for my friends in the rest of the world). Studies seem to show that most men are fairly happy with their erect penises. But when it comes to flaccidity--they aren't thrilled. Only 27% of men are happy with the size of their limp friend. Think about your own--are you happy with your size when erect? How about when flaccid? Now, imagine if your penis was roughly the size of your pinky finger.

 "Think of a Vienna sausage and two marbles, and you’ve got an accurate image." That is how John Haakenson describes his flaccid just-under-two-inch penis (just under 4 centimeters).  "I’d be lying if I said I like it small. I wish it was bigger. By the way, my balls are also quite small; wish they were bigger, too. And it’s really an ugly little bugger."

What would you do if you could describe your penis this way? If your answer was "stand in front of a crowd of women pointing and laughing at you while nude at a Smallest Penis Pageant"-- you might be John Haakenson.

John Haakenson
John is a straight, divorced, 59-year-old man from Minnesota. He's a writer, reader, and editor and watches too much television. Like most of us these days, he keeps up on politics. He was with his ex-wife for just under 10 years. He's got a full, cool beard and distinguished features that make him look wise. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he told me he was a wizard.

The The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn Pageant (SPB) was dreamed up by Aimee Arciuolo, while talking to her friends about her sexual encounter with a man whose penis was, "actually shockingly tiny, like the size of an acorn. He came right out and said, ‘Yes, I know, I’ve got a little pecker. But don’t worry, we are going to have fun."
John read about the SPB in Huffington PostA female friend of his encouraged him to do it, and in 2013, he took the plunge. He liked it so much, he tried to attend in 2014 (unfortunately, a delayed flight prevented him), and attended again in 2015.

John (3rd from left) getting measured
"They billed the pageant as an anti-body-shaming event, and I’m sure it was for a lot of people. But it was also an opportunity for people to indulge their inner 12-year-old by laughing at and mocking small dicks. But sure, I’d do it again." 

So, why would a man who has frequently heard "is it in yet?" travel halfway across the country to show himself off to a group of laughing women? "I guess I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, and I thought it would be a turn-on to flash my junk in front of a bunch of attractive women. What I didn’t count on was the media attention. I figured it would be just me and a group of like-minded men in a small bar with a small crowd. I had no idea that so much media would be present, and that stories and pictures would be all over the Internet the following day." 

And all over the Internet it was. Everyone was talking about it--Vice, Jezebel, Cosmopolitan, Playboy, Rolling Stone. etc. Even a couple of talk show hosts and celebrities mentioned it on their shows and social media. John had taken some precautions to hide himself away from people who may know him--"Most of my relatives (my parents are long-deceased) are female – lots of nieces – and I didn’t want them to know. That’s why in 2013 I wore sunglasses throughout the pageant; I thought that between the glasses and my beard and mustache, my face wouldn’t be recognizable. I honestly don’t know if any relatives know about the pageant or not. I didn’t tell them, but I suppose if they Google “Rip van Dinkle penis” or “the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant” they can find out. Outside of one person at the grocery store who made a snarky comment to me one day, no one has said anything. I suppose if they saw the stories and pictures, they might not connect a guy in Minnesota with the weird pageant in Brooklyn."

Rip van Dinkle was the stage name he gave himself before competing. Why, you may ask?
 "He was a fictional dude with a long, gray beard who woke up one day and realized he’d been sleeping for years. I have a long, gray beard and I suppose you could use the tortured analogy that I woke up one day and thought it would be a blast to attend a small-penis pageant. Dinkle for Winkle should be obvious."

Top: Rip van Dinkle
Bottom: Rip van Winkle

The first year, the pageant featured six men and three 'events,' according to Wikipedia--"evening wear (a tiny penis sock), talent, and swimwear (a sheer, see-through material made more transparent by “penis kittens” wielding squirt guns)."

Judges measured the men, but didn't announce the sizes. After the events and measurements, the contest was narrowed down to two men--Rip van Dinkle and Nick Gilronan. Who won? I know, the suspense is probably killing you.

Rip van Dinkle--crowd favorite
"I finished second place in the first pageant, mostly because when it became apparent that I was a crowd favorite and might win, I got cold feet and deliberately sabotaged myself – flipping off the audience, cheering for my closest competitor, etc."

Though John missed out on the $100 prize, he did get the satisfaction of indulging in his exhibitionism. In fact, the pageant only increased his interest in exhibition and humiliation. "Like I said before, I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist. But I think the pageants might have exacerbated the “small penis humiliation” aspect of it. Since the pageant, I’ve done one photo shoot in which three women point and giggle at my “shortcomings,” and a video where another woman throws fruit at my exposed junk and clobbers my nut sack with a golf club. I’ve discovered there are women out there who enjoy seeing a male patsy (me, in this case) get a form of public castration. I assume I am a stand-in for men that they dislike, whether it’s their boss, their husband, their father, or Trump."

Photo by Amy Minnick
So, did this experience change the way John views himself? "Not really. If I was younger, it might have. But now I find that the easiest way for me to get aroused is if some woman (or women) is laughing at my “manhood.” You’d have to ask a psychologist why that is. Perhaps it’s the “transfer of power” theory: As a white male, with the white male’s recently notorious “privilege,” having less-powerful, younger women belittle my sex organs is exciting."

Through the years, John's size has been something of an issue. His ex-wife left after feeling 'unfulfilled.' Staying inside of a woman during sex is sometimes difficult. Luckily, condom use isn't much of an obstacle, since he is erect while putting them on. As he's gotten older, he's started to experience common issues for men--troubles getting and maintaining an erection and less sperm production. He takes a pill called Tamsulosin, which relieves symptoms of an enlarged prostate. It helps with the frequency of urination, but it also hampers sex drive.

He says these issues are why he has embraced the humiliation kink. "It's one of the more reliable ways for me to get excited," he says. 

John also says that size isn't everything. "Other things are more important than penis size – feelings, communication, sensitivity, cunnilingus (lol) – but all things being equal, I believe most women would take a guy with an average or fairly big package over the guy with a small pecker. If nothing else, the psychological idea of a big penis is probably more exciting than the thought of my little acorn."

Men are typically a little hard on themselves when it comes to penis size. But studies time and time show again that women tend to not care--84% of women are completely satisfied with their partner's size. There are even plenty of women (and men!) out there who are totally into smaller-than-average penises. "Bobbie Chaset, the manager at the small-penis pageants, told an interviewer that there was a group of women at the pageant specifically because they were into guys with small dicks. So apparently they are out there. I had to leave to catch flights right after both pageants, so I didn’t get to meet anyone in the crowd. But I will say this: If comments on Web stories are any indication, those women keep a very low profile. Because most comments were mocking and/or cruel."

I asked him if having a small penis has affected other areas of his life, to which he said, "I’m sure it has. Probably confidence. But you are the sex educator – what do you think?" And what I think is that John has handled a situation that would destroy the confidence of many men in a fantastic way. As a big fan of self-deprecating humor, I respect the hell out of someone putting their worst feature on display for damn near the whole world to see. Personally, I think that the ability to put yourself out there and not only accept your situation but use it as a tool (ignore the pun) to discover different things about yourself means that you are well-adjusted and optimistic. 

Photo by Amy Minnick
John is active on Twitter and you can check out his website here. If you liked this post, please take the time to read an article he wrote about his own experiences in the pageant here.


  1. yaah this is good posting thanks for sharing

  2. if might be funny, but thanks to you for known this


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