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Showing posts from November 2, 2014

The Evil Within

A lot of you have told me that I should do a youtube channel or a podcast. There are some ideas floating around that could make that happen. But, not at this very moment. I don't reveal much personal information on here, but I wanted to tell you a little about my living situation. I live with four guys (five if you count our 'honorary roommate'). My roommates have essentially started their own company based around video games. They even just got a partnership through the popular streaming site, Twitch. Speaking of Twitch--Living with these guys and actually currently dating someone who frequently streams makes me want to get back into gaming more. This kind of ties into wanting to see/hear me. I'm gonna try a bit of cross-promotion. We'll see how this works, but I'm gonna start being on some Twitch streams and if it is fairly popular, I'll start my own stream, & hopefully do some giveaways/talk about some blog stuff. That being said! Follow this stre...

Interviews with Strangers

Alright, I've been thinking about things a lot and I've decided to start something new. I've always struggled with motivation. I really love the 'People of New York' project, which is a photographer who takes pictures of random people in NY/elsewhere and then posts the picture on Facebook, along with a quote from the person. It's super interesting. The idea of that combined with people offering up their sexual histories/fantasies to me has made me decide to do my own interviews. For this first week, I have interviewed two people--a man and a woman, unrelated and who don't know each other--of similar ages (late 20's). I think it's interesting to see how their answers compare and contrast. Since this is my first week doing it, the questions are pretty basic. I do have someone in mind that I have interviewed a bit before, and his story is really interesting. I'll post that in an upcoming one, after I talk with him some more. We don't like to t...