George Floyd (Unknown, 1974-May 25, 2020) Ahmaud Arbery (May 8, 1994-February 23, 2020) Breonna Taylor (June 5, 1993 – March 13, 2020) As someone with a blog platform, I feel it is my responsibility to speak out and use this in an effective way. This post is not about sex or relationships. It is about how you can do your part to combat the systemic racism that is rampant in our country, how you can make your voice heard. Black people are institutionalized and killed at an absurd rate, especially compared to their percentage in the population. George Floyd should not have died, and neither should the thousands of those before him. It is no longer possible to remain silent or "neutral." There are protests and marches in nearly every city in America--there are even protests popping up in different countries , in solidarity with us. If you are not able to protest, there are so many other ways you can help. I will list organizations that you can donate to and petitions you can s...
(I was going to title this "Sex in the time of Corona(virus)" as a play on the whole "Love in the Time of Cholera" but then I actually came across TWO different articles with that title. I guess I'm not as clever as I thought, hahah) These are crazy times we are living in. Seeing the world shut down around me feels like a bizarre dream, or like that Goosebumps episode where those kids find a magical typewriter and every weird thing they write comes true... So, many of us are in quarantine right now. It can be hard to fight the boredom and eventual cabin fever that comes with it. But have no fear! If you are stuck with a partner, use this as a time to try some of those things you've always wanted to try. If you're stuck with family or with yourself, maybe try some self-care and find out what makes you happy (sexual or otherwise!). Below is a list of some ideas to keep your quarantine exciting. **First things first, USE PROTECTION. Unless yo...