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Showing posts from March 11, 2012

Happy National Condom Day!

Today is Pi Day, 3.14. And it's also National Condom Day! So, before you start eating pie off each other's bodies, make sure you have condoms!!! According to a fact sheet on HIV from the CDC (Center for Disease Control), 1.2 million people in the US have HIV and 1 in 5 aren't aware that they have it. So, you could be sleeping with someone who has it. This is only one reason to wrap it up!!! Syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, genital warts, HPV, crabs, trich, etc. are all STDs you can get from sexual contact with someone. Notice I said sexual contact. You CAN get an STD from oral and anal contact. Even a cold sore (herpes) in your mouth can give your partner herpes on their genitals. This is pretty rare, but the point is, it CAN happen. You don't only have to worry about disgusting, painful, itchy, discharge-y sores and infections. Pregnancy is also a factor. According to Men's Health, Indiana University calculated some percentages from 16 years of data from 50 differ...