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Showing posts from March 26, 2017

Interviews with Strangers: Charlie Kelly

Forty-six year old Charlie Kelly is a survivor. He didn’t fight cancer or a childhood illness, nor did he fight for his life in a hospital bed after a life-threatening accident. Kelly’s fight started before his life began--he survived an abortion. Kelly with his mother, Bonnie, on Christmas Day. Kelly’s mother, Bonnie Kelly, speaks about the one-night stand she had with acquaintance Frank Reynolds. “When I found out I was pregnant with Charlie, he forced me to get an abortion. But it didn’t take! We went to one of those clinics, one of those underground clinics. Then I had the procedure, and they told me he was dead. But then three months later, he popped out, happy as a clam!! He survived the abortion!” Reynolds denies that he is the Father of Charlie. When confronted about their possible relation, Reynolds told Kelly, “Your mother is feedin’ you a line of crap! I mean, she probably went right from the clinic and banged some guy and got knocked up... because your moth...

The Sex Kitten presents...Sex-Ed Class!!

I've had my blog for about five years now, and many of you readers know that I am not the most consistent of posters. I can’t lie--I’m not easily motivated and I’m too easily discouraged. The current state of affairs in America definitely leaves something to be desired for nearly every type of person. I’ve always been a very laid-back, non-confrontational person and discovering how many people aren’t like that really hit me hard. It made me want to crawl into bed and never interact with humans again. My mother got pregnant with me shortly after turning 18--my father was only 16. Despite this, I was not given a clear explanation of what sex was or how I should deal with it. My father was extremely sexist. He would routinely joke with my younger brother about ‘titties’ and sleeping with sexy women while condemning any interest I had in boys. He did not believe that gay people should be allowed to be together and was adamant that they absolutely should not be allowed to adopt chil...