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Showing posts from February 28, 2016

Sexual Assault Statistic--video!!

For those of you that don't like to read and would rather watch a quick video, I made one to highlight the facts in my last post. Check it out!! **TRIGGER WARNING** This video talks about assault/rape.

Life after Sexual Abuse

**TRIGGER WARNING** This post talks about assault/rape. I didn't watch the Oscars. I didn't even really hear much about the Oscars. What I did hear, though, was that Lady Gaga's performance was amazing. Her song Til It Happens To You is about sexual assault, and she drove her point home by having tons of survivors of sexual assault and abuse stand up on stage with her. Proceeds from sales from the song are going to organizations that help prevent abuse and support survivors. I watched the music video for the song and it was pretty hard to watch. I love that so many people are talking about this right now. We need to stop brushing things like this under the table and making people who are suffering feel like they need to keep quiet about it. The shame and guilt is something we need to address and fix, not let fester quietly until it becomes worse. Let's start out with some facts: (Facts are from RAINN , USA Today , and a study by the AAU ) --23.1% of women i...