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Showing posts from November 5, 2017

Interviews with Strangers: Rip van Dinkle, Participant in the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn Pageant

The average penis is 3.5 inches flaccid and 5.6 inches erect (that's 8.89 and 14.2 centimeters, respectively, for my friends in the rest of the world). Studies seem to show that most men are fairly happy with their erect penises. But when it comes to flaccidity--they aren't thrilled. Only 27% of men are happy with the size of their limp friend. Think about your own--are you happy with your size when erect? How about when flaccid? Now, imagine if your penis was roughly the size of your pinky finger.  " Think of a Vienna sausage and two marbles, and you’ve got an accurate image ." That is how John Haakenson describes his flaccid just-under-two-inch penis (just under 4 centimeters).  " I’d be lying if I said I like it small. I wish it was bigger. By the way, my balls are also quite small; wish they were bigger, too. And it’s really an ugly little bugger ." What would you do if you could describe your penis this way? If your answer was "stand in fro...