There's a book I've been meaning to get, and when I get the money, I'll have it. It's called Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha. In an article from CNN about the book,the author Ryan puts it best, "Our bodies, minds and sexual habits all reflect a highly sexual primate. Research from primatology, anthropology, anatomy and psychology points to the same conclusion: A nonpossessive, gregarious sexuality was the human norm until the rise of agriculture and private property just 10,000 years ago, about 5 percent of anatomically modern humans' existence on Earth." He says that 95% of our evolution involved women and men sharing partners and children. Ryan talks about how back in the day, when people were hunter/gatherers that they didn't carry many possessions. People lived in little villages and helped one another. The men got food, the women cooked it and watched the children while the me...