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Showing posts from February 8, 2015

Gag Me--A Review of 50 Shades of Grey

Get it? Gag me? It's a joke about kinky sex AND how horrible this movie was. Fifty Shades of Grey is the movie adaptation of the 50 Shades trilogy by E.L. James. It follows the whirlwind romance between 27 year old CEO Christian Grey and 21 year old college graduate Anastasia Steele. Steele agrees to interview Grey in place of her flu-ridden roommate, and in a crazy twist of fate, falls for him as hard as he does for her. Ana is repeatedly confused by Grey's non-romantic personality because he prefers to chain her up and whip her rather than lovingly touch her or sleep next to her. Despite her unease and anxieties, she takes him back time and time again until she 'falls in love' with him and 'changes' him. The movie is out Friday, February 13th (I apologize, in past posts, I was mistakenly under the impression it was released on Valentine's Day). I went into this early screening of the movie expecting the bad story line I saw in the books, but I tried...

Satire: 51 Shades of Brown/50 Shades of Buscemi

This week seems to be following a trend! Hahah. I found this video online today, and I laughed really hard. I hope you do, too. Also, I was contacted by these guys on Twitter who work a blog called '51 Shades of Brown.' Dr. Pablo Pistola, an "award-winning satirical Indian erotic author", created a sexual hero named Sri-Sheshadariprativadibayankaram, who smells of coconut oil and curry. These stories are definitely entertaining, not to mention quick reads! Check them out!! 51 Shades of Brown

Catch An Early Review of '50 Shades of Grey' Here Before the Release!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a minute to let you all know that I will be attending an early screening of '50 Shades of Grey' this week. It is out in theaters this Saturday, February 14th, also known as Valentine's Day. This movie is extremely anticipated and you're going to want to know how it is before you brave the long lines this weekend! I will admit, I'm not super thrilled to see the movie. I thought the book itself was fairly poorly written and I think the BDSM was extremely tame. You can read about what I thought of it being turned into a movie here. Tune in later this week for my review of the movie!!


Wow, guys, you are all so awesome. I appreciate every single one of you! This post is just kind of a teaser of things to come. First things first, I have a Facebook page for my blog. Eventually, when I get even more readers and have more time to spend on this, I will be making it into its own website. Sometimes it's hard to find the time to sit down and punch out a quality blog post, so I will share things or post statuses on Facebook. Second. This one I am hesitant to bring up, but I'm going to anyways! I've started a Paypal account for my blog. People have asked me to review products and what not, but the sad truth is, I can't afford many products out there. Obviously, it is completely up to you whether or not you want to donate some money. I plan to use it for buying products for reviewing purposes, doing giveaways, and if I can ever actually make some decent money on it, working less and working on my blog more. Third. I have a small list of posts I want to ma...