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Showing posts from November 16, 2014

Bangin' Away a Cold

It's that wonderful time of year again--cold & flu season! The time when you get sick with one thing and then a few weeks later, just when you've started to feel better, you get hit with something else. The frigid temperatures many of us are experiencing don't help, as we are hesitant to leave our houses or other places where bacteria thrive. But I think we should all be putting the early sunsets to good use. A lot of us are going to be spending more time in bed the next few months, and we might as well have fun while we're at it, yes? Here's some cool news--having sex may make you feel better if you have a cold! This is difficult to hear, because people generally don't feel very attractive when their noses are all red and runny. Colds also may drain you of energy and make you feel like moving is the most challenging thing in the world. I know because last weekend my roommate asked me to move from one end of the couch to the other, and I wanted to punch ...