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Showing posts from September 4, 2011


A couple in Nice, France got divorced , and the woman cited her reasoning as being lack of sex in their 21 years of matrimonial 'bliss.' The husband said he was tired and had health problems, therefore not wanting to engage in sex. The judge in their divorce proceedings obviously didn't think this was a legitimate reason--he fined the now ex-husband 8,500 pounds (over $13, 600!!). The judge claims that marriage binds you to your spouse physically and by abstaining from sex, you are not fully involved in your marriage. Apparently there's a French civil code and in article 215 of that, it states that married couples have to have a "shared communal life." Even the Bible says in Ephesians 5:31 -' 31 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."' But is it fair to fine a man for abstaining?! He doesn't want it The woman is getting her divorce, and it's not like the ...

Surrogate Sex Partners

This is less of an educational post and more of an explanation/opinion post. A friend of mine sent me a link to this article from FoxNews about surrogate sex partners. What is it? Well, basically, when a person is in therapy for sexual/intimacy problems, a secondary form of therapy could be to have a surrogate to 'teach' the patient how to become intimate with someone else and how to have sex in a healthy way. This means a woman can learn how to relax and have an orgasm, a man can try and help his erectile dysfunction, and someone who is socially inept can learn how to be physical with someone. It's not like these people go in and just have sex with someone. These surrogates are employed by the IPSA (International Professional Surrogates Association). It is a non-profit organization and it is $1,500 for the training. I'm assuming these people have background checks and STD testings. Therapists and surrogates work together to fully help the client. The therapist holds ...