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Celebrity Sex List 2019

I've been thinking about writing some blog posts again when I have some down time. I was looking back at my posts and realized I didn't do a celebrity sex list this year! I figured it would be a fun way to get myself back in the swing of things. Obviously, these posts don't take a whole lot of effort or brain power, but they are entertaining for me to do. It seems like you all like them too, because I get a lot of views on them! So, without further ado, I present to you the celebs that I am lusting after this year. I am attempting to not have any duplicates from last year and so far, so good.

LaKeith Stanfield, 27

I first became a fan of both LaKeith's acting and his face in Get Out. I did not know it was the same actor when I saw Sorry To Bother You. I recently found out he is going to be in a new movie with Daniel Kaluuya (who was on my 2017 celebrity sex list), which just sounds like...a really good time. 

Dan Levy, 36

Like everyone else in the entire world, I am also a giant fan of Schitt's Creek. But unlike Dan's character David, Dan himself appears to only drink red wine :( I, too, only drink red wine, so it seems there is no chance for us. This still won't stop me from loving everything he does and says and tweets and so on and so forth. If you haven't watched Schitt's Creek, go do it. Now.

Andy Samberg, 41

While Andy has never really been my type physically, his personality is what got me. As a big fan of Brooklyn 99 and a lot of other random stuff he is in, I appreciate his humor. He also seems to get more attractive with age. 

Kayvan Novak, 40

We recently finished watching the FX 'What We Do In The Shadows.' The show is amazing and hilarious. It left me wanting not only more episodes, but also more of Kayvan. He has great comedic timing and his voice cracks me up as well. I know he is a British actor, but I'd love to see him in more American shows in the future!!

Dacre Montgomery, 24

In case you didn't know, his name is pronounced Deh-ker, and not Dah-cray like I originally thought.
He's a fucking babe. I actually really didn't like him in season two of Stranger Things, but when I saw him in season three...let's just say I changed my mind SO fast. I never thought I'd be into a mullet.
Yeah, we all know Billy was an asshole. But Dacre is not Billy--he's an insanely talented actor. And I'm not sure if you know this--but he's Australian. With an Australian accent. I can see him doing great things. Great sexy things.

Jason Dohring, 37

Spoiler alert: I'm watching the newest season of Veronica Mars right now. Like, while I write this.
 I hated Logan for the longest time, but he slowly grew on me. Not to ruin anything for anyone who hasn't seen season 4, but I'm pretty sure the writers were like, "hey, how can we make Logan as hot as possible?" Not to mention, Jason looks amaaaazing. If you haven't perused his Instagram pics, I'd go and do that.

Dermot Mulroney, 55

Coming in as the oldest on my list...quite the silver fox. It feels weird finding him so attractive because he's been acting since before I was born. I only realized his true sexiness when he was on Shameless. And now I completely understand how Nick Miller (New Girl) feels about him.

Christian Yelich, 27

As a true Wisconsin girl, I love my trifecta of amazing MVPs--Rodgers, Giannis & Yelich. Today I got the wonderful surprise of the Body Issue of Sports Illustrated in my mailbox. If you haven't seen it yet, Yelich is gracing the cover with his perfectly sculpted bod. I've heard many stories of him doing super cool things for people, especially kids, and I've heard from reputable sources that he's just an overall nice dude. I highly recommend picking up an issue of the Body Issue to admire this (and many other!) fabulous specimens.

Pat Connaughton, 26

As a huge Bucks fan, I am lucky enough to get to see this guy frequently during the NBA season. He's a great player and teammate, too. He could have become a big MLB player, and I'm happy he stuck to basketball, mainly because I'm a much bigger basketball fan than I am a baseball fan. He also does cool things outside of the court, like hosting basketball camps for kids in his hometown over the summer. Be still my heart.
 For my birthday this year, my husband got me a Cameo video from Pat. At least he knows that he's my favorite planet! :)

Stephanie Beatriz, 38

Stephanie's character on Brooklyn 99, Rosa, is my favorite. As I've said in previous year's lists, I am very picky about my type in women, but Rosa encapsulates it. I follow Stephanie on Instagram and she just looks so fun. Like I've said about many of the people on this list, I hope to see her in more productions in the future.

As a special new thing because I haven't seen either of them in anything else, my last 'person' is actually going to be two people that play so well off of each other in the show they are in...

Chance Perdomo, 22 and Tati Gabrielle, 23 

These two play Ambrose and Prudence on the new adaptation of Sabrina. Throwing in another spoiler alert here--if you haven't watched season three, you may not want to continue reading.
I found each of them to be extremely attractive on their own, but their chemistry in the third season was off the charts sexy. Seriously, they could have their own spin-off where they just dress in their awesome clothes and do weird spooky witch shit and I would LOVE it. They are just so good looking and so young! I can't even think about how they will probably just get better with age.

Now, as I always like to ask at the end of these--are any of mine on your list? If not, who is on your list? Let me know in the comments! And stay tuned for some actual quality posts in the future :P Thanks for sticking around!


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