Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a minute to let you all know that I will be attending an early screening of '50 Shades of Grey' this week. It is out in theaters this Saturday, February 14th, also known as Valentine's Day. This movie is extremely anticipated and you're going to want to know how it is before you brave the long lines this weekend! I will admit, I'm not super thrilled to see the movie. I thought the book itself was fairly poorly written and I think the BDSM was extremely tame. You can read about what I thought of it being turned into a movie here. Tune in later this week for my review of the movie!!
(I was going to title this "Sex in the time of Corona(virus)" as a play on the whole "Love in the Time of Cholera" but then I actually came across TWO different articles with that title. I guess I'm not as clever as I thought, hahah) These are crazy times we are living in. Seeing the world shut down around me feels like a bizarre dream, or like that Goosebumps episode where those kids find a magical typewriter and every weird thing they write comes true... So, many of us are in quarantine right now. It can be hard to fight the boredom and eventual cabin fever that comes with it. But have no fear! If you are stuck with a partner, use this as a time to try some of those things you've always wanted to try. If you're stuck with family or with yourself, maybe try some self-care and find out what makes you happy (sexual or otherwise!). Below is a list of some ideas to keep your quarantine exciting. **First things first, USE PROTECTION. Unless yo...
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