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Bangin' Away a Cold

It's that wonderful time of year again--cold & flu season! The time when you get sick with one thing and then a few weeks later, just when you've started to feel better, you get hit with something else. The frigid temperatures many of us are experiencing don't help, as we are hesitant to leave our houses or other places where bacteria thrive. But I think we should all be putting the early sunsets to good use. A lot of us are going to be spending more time in bed the next few months, and we might as well have fun while we're at it, yes?

Here's some cool news--having sex may make you feel better if you have a cold! This is difficult to hear, because people generally don't feel very attractive when their noses are all red and runny. Colds also may drain you of energy and make you feel like moving is the most challenging thing in the world. I know because last weekend my roommate asked me to move from one end of the couch to the other, and I wanted to punch him for even suggesting that I move. Anyways.

First of all, I think the general population is now aware of the fact that the ol' "I've got a headache tonight" claim has been disputed. Having sex can actually ease the pain of a headache and other minor aches. According to an article on WebMd--“Orgasm can block pain,” says Barry R. Komisaruk, PhD, a distinguished service professor at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey." Our pain threshold is apparently higher after orgasm, which is why it can help to get off when you're suffering a headache, menstrual cramps, or even leg/back pain, according to Komisaruk.

Exercise can make you feel better by releasing endorphins and opening up nasal passages, as well as helping break up congestion. Sex also releases a few different kinds of hormones that make you feel good. And According to WebMd, you can burn up to 100 calories by having sex for half an hour. More specifically, "Sex uses about five calories per minute, four more calories than watching TV." Nice! And according to the Harvard Medical School, a 155-lb. person burns about 186 calories by walking for a half hour at 4.5 mph. And according to this article by CNN, you can burn between 100-300 calories per half hour in an average yoga class. That means a good 30 mins. of sex is fairly comparable to a good 30 mins. of some exercise.That's pretty cool.

Physical activity can also stimulate your metabolism, so if you're not feeling very hungry due to your cold, sex could help with that! A hot shower is also good for congestion, and what's sexier than a hot shower together? (I know, there's probably a lot of things sexier than showering together, but just go with me here.)

Remember that if you aren't sick, swapping spit or other bodily fluids may pass whatever your partner is sick with to you. A lot of couples probably continue to kiss each other anyways, so maybe it isn't a huge deal for some people. But just take the proper precautions if you are trying to avoid coming down with something yourself.

Let's keep in mind, this is all on the basis of you or your partner having the common cold. According to Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. in this article on MayoClinic, you should only be engaging in exercise if your ailments are above the neck--not if you have chest congestion or nausea. Honestly, it's going to be harder to try and get in the mood if you can't take good deep breaths or your stomach hurts. And if that is the case, be sure to take good care of your partner. And maybe, just maybe, they'll take good care of you when they're better.


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