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Showing posts from 2014

All I Want For Christmas Is You

Hello, readers! I'd like to first off say thank you to everyone for supporting me this year! I did better than last year as far as posts (though not by as much as I'd like to have done) and MUCH better than last year as far as views/reader participation goes. I have many plans for 2015! I started to be a little more focused and goal-oriented on here and my Facebook  page. So thank you again, and hopefully next year will be even more successful. That all being said, I have been thinking a lot about what to do this month for a post. I realized today exactly what I want to talk about! I think a lot of people forget that, whereas I want to be a sex therapist, a huge part of what I'm interested in is just relationships as a whole. The past two years have been such a learning experience for me! There was a time when I was afraid for my future career, because I had been in only one long-term relationship and thought I would always be in it. I was afraid I'd be that person ...

Interviews With Strangers: John

Hello readers! Today is an exciting one. I have been a bit under the weather the last couple of days and today was my 'sleep as much as possible' day. But! I felt much better upon waking up to an email back from John Carcosa! He found me through my Literotica page and emailed me offering to be interviewed. You may be asking yourself, "Who is John Carcosa?" He is a 38-year-old married male. Maybe he's your english teacher, or your mailman, or the guy who bags your groceries at the store. The point of my interviews is to show that everyone has a secret part of their lives, the part you don't get to hear about when you engage in small talk in the line at Target. There are definitely some people who are asexual or have low sex drives, or are even just single with no one to sleep with at the moment. But for the most part, the people we engage with every day are likely having or have once had sex. And regardless of which, they definitely have their own preferences,...

Bangin' Away a Cold

It's that wonderful time of year again--cold & flu season! The time when you get sick with one thing and then a few weeks later, just when you've started to feel better, you get hit with something else. The frigid temperatures many of us are experiencing don't help, as we are hesitant to leave our houses or other places where bacteria thrive. But I think we should all be putting the early sunsets to good use. A lot of us are going to be spending more time in bed the next few months, and we might as well have fun while we're at it, yes? Here's some cool news--having sex may make you feel better if you have a cold! This is difficult to hear, because people generally don't feel very attractive when their noses are all red and runny. Colds also may drain you of energy and make you feel like moving is the most challenging thing in the world. I know because last weekend my roommate asked me to move from one end of the couch to the other, and I wanted to punch ...

Product Testing?

This is my haul from my local sex boutique the other day! It's really not much, but I'm kinda broke right now so this is good enough. Some cool news is that this sex kitten is off the market! That being said, I have a willing guinea pig to help me test out some products. I want to test out the differences between condoms--latex, extra thin, polyisoprene. I've never tried a female condom, stimulating gel, or a dental dam, & I want to rate the flavors of these flavored One brand condoms. If you have any products you've wondered about, bring them to my attention! Hopefully as time goes on, I will have more products to test and more money to buy them with :)

The Evil Within

A lot of you have told me that I should do a youtube channel or a podcast. There are some ideas floating around that could make that happen. But, not at this very moment. I don't reveal much personal information on here, but I wanted to tell you a little about my living situation. I live with four guys (five if you count our 'honorary roommate'). My roommates have essentially started their own company based around video games. They even just got a partnership through the popular streaming site, Twitch. Speaking of Twitch--Living with these guys and actually currently dating someone who frequently streams makes me want to get back into gaming more. This kind of ties into wanting to see/hear me. I'm gonna try a bit of cross-promotion. We'll see how this works, but I'm gonna start being on some Twitch streams and if it is fairly popular, I'll start my own stream, & hopefully do some giveaways/talk about some blog stuff. That being said! Follow this stre...

Interviews with Strangers

Alright, I've been thinking about things a lot and I've decided to start something new. I've always struggled with motivation. I really love the 'People of New York' project, which is a photographer who takes pictures of random people in NY/elsewhere and then posts the picture on Facebook, along with a quote from the person. It's super interesting. The idea of that combined with people offering up their sexual histories/fantasies to me has made me decide to do my own interviews. For this first week, I have interviewed two people--a man and a woman, unrelated and who don't know each other--of similar ages (late 20's). I think it's interesting to see how their answers compare and contrast. Since this is my first week doing it, the questions are pretty basic. I do have someone in mind that I have interviewed a bit before, and his story is really interesting. I'll post that in an upcoming one, after I talk with him some more. We don't like to t...

Like a Virgin

I start out every blog post by mentioning how I'm going to update it more. I need to update this more. So, now that that's out of the way. A lot of my friends/readers tell me that they would like my blog if I posted more personal stuff. I suppose I could write some stories but I'm really not sure which to start with yet. In the meantime, I did find an article that I have an opinion on. Before you continue to read this, I want you to take the 3-5 minutes it would take to read this: It Happened To Me: I Waited Until My Wedding Night To Lose My Virginity And Wish I Hadn't. Writer Samantha Pugsley attended a Baptist Church at the age of 10 and took a pledge to remain pure until her wedding day, along with a group of other girls. Long story short, she married young and had a very hard time losing her virginity. She suffered extreme anxiety and guilt, and it caused intimacy problems in her marriage. She felt that sex was wrong and something she shouldn't be doing, even...

My Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS

You've all heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge by now. If not, you might be living under a rock. This started suddenly and went viral faster than I could have imagined. I was turned off by the idea, like many people still are. The challenge is this...either dump a bucket of ice water on your head to raise awareness for ALS, or opt out of the water and donate $100. People have been enraged by the idea that all you have to do is dump water on your head to get out of donating to charity. People are angered that, of all the horrible things going on in the world right now, people are flocking to social media to raise awareness to an already known disease. I've thought long and hard about this while hoping not to get challenged. When I did get challenged, I had to start to question my hesitancy behind it. I think the biggest problem here is that people are using these challenges as a joke, something that bothers them for a few minutes and then they lead their normal lives while peopl...

Touch Me, Baby

  The Black Keys--Your Touch I've always spent a decent amount of time researching the topics that I want to write about for this blog. But lately, I can't seem to put my finger on exactly what I want to say. This entry is no different. I have a vague idea on what I want to talk about, but I'm having a hard time knowing exactly how to look it up. What I want to talk about is something I recently learned the term for -- skin hunger.   Just like we hunger for food, we crave physical affection from others. The chemical Oxytocin plays  a huge role in our lives. The release of oxytocin happens when we are touched, and it makes us feel trusting, safe, and happy. It is what causes us to feel attached to others. High levels of oxytocin means low stress levels. Basically, cuddling up to someone can relieve your stresses. So, what happens when we don't get that? Everyone is different, but for the most part, people who are suffering from this 'skin hunger' seem to b...

It's Been Awhile...

That title could refer to a lot of things, but I mean it in that I haven't posted since the beginning of the year. There is no excuse. Yes, I was busy for a bit, but I was using that as an excuse mostly. My computer did crash and is still being problematic (it actually crashed in the middle of this sentence, so we'll see if I can even finish this post). Writing blog posts on my phone is not something I can really do, nor do I want to try. So, my apologies for that. Most of my posts are thought-out. I find a subject I want to write about and I research it, showing educational facts and information I find useful/interesting. But since I can't have more than one tab open without my internet freezing up, this post isn't going to be like that. As a matter of fact, I think it's just going to be me talking about things that are on my mind. Let that be your warning to stop reading now, or proceed with caution. The inner-workings of my mind are confusing even to me, and af...

Sexual Prime--Myth?

 Hugh Hefner (87) with wife, Crystal (27), seems to be in a never-ending sexual prime. I have always thought there was something called 'sexual prime.' I had always had the impression that younger men, in their late teens-early 20's were at their sexual peak, whereas women didn't reach it until they were in their 30's. This subject has popped up more recently in my life. Being in my early twenties, sex is something different than it was five years ago (along with a lot of other things). Having gone through my own relationships and experiences, I started to wonder what kind of pull a 'sexual peak' has on a relationship. Doing a bit of research, I'm finding out that the idea of a peak or prime is actually a misunderstood myth. It all comes back to Alfred Kinsey, my favorite sexologist. He founded the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction in Indiana (that I would love to attend for graduate school if I ever go back). Kins...