Many of you will remember my celebrity bucket list blog post. But, since the world ends tomorrow (or is currently ending on the other side of the world), I figured why not talk about this. If the world really were ending, wouldn't you want people to know exactly what you thought about them? There's always those people we wish we could be with. That sexy barista at the coffee shop, the UPS guy, your doctor, the cute married guy with the pretty hair and three kids that comes into your work every once and awhile. Of course, there will always be beautiful famous people that we will lust after. But how about a nod to the everyday people we actually might have a chance with? Plus, there's nothing like being able to scratch that name off your list after the unthinkable happens. But, even if the world doesn't end, maybe you should go for it, take a chance, and hit that person up. What if it worked out? Wouldn't you be so happy? You never know how it will go, either! You ...